Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Circle of Life

First, let me start off by apologizing for the hair and lack of makeup. I know it's scary as shit. 
Now that I've gotten that out of the way ... see that pretty fish that I'm smooching? (Psst my lips didn't actually touch it, it just looks that way). That fish was a very happy accident, let me tell ya.    

I bet you're thinking "Oh she's just being modest". Oh no. No, no no no no. I'm being honest and not a damn bit humble in this case. 

See I was fishing for bream (bluegill, perch, etc.) and I hooked a minnow. You think I'm joking, but it's true. It was a bluegill about the size of a bass minnow, so as I'm reeling in this little ambitious shit, and cursing him for all he's worth, rolling my eyes and all that jazz... this big boy that you see above comes swimming along and swallows him! Gobbles him all up! I pop my wrist and voila! I catch him. Pretty, no?

I'll take those happy accidents any day. :)